One Stop GF Shop is Reborn!

Home>Posts by “Rochelle Scanlon”One Stop GF Shop is Reborn!Article By:Rochelle ScanlonDate Written: 24/12/2020Pheeew, what a year it has been for us! After looking to change …

Gluten Free Rolled Oats?

Home>Posts by “Rochelle Scanlon”Gluten Free Rolled Oats?Article By:Rochelle ScanlonDate Written: 16/11/2020Sorry folks, it is technically impossible. Without a doubt, this old chestnut features twice in …

GF Flour Basics!

Home>Posts by “Rochelle Scanlon”GF Flour Basics!Article By:Rochelle ScanlonDate Written: 24/12/2020We sell a lot of flour, and I mean a lot. In doing so, we come …